Sunday 31 July 2011

The sites that i like to CLICK :)

In World Wide Web, there are FOUR type of site which are online services, commercial sites, institutional sites and media sites. Guess which sites am I interested in....? First, it's the online services such as Google and Yahoo. Why i like to 'click' this sites it is because in online services they provides email, which is a very important webpage to click on. Google and Yahoo are also where I got the information that I need and it is very useful.

Second is the MEDIA sites which I think everyone will click it as many times as they could everyday. Gossip falls under media sites, girls and gossip ni macam tak boleh dipisahkan. Paham2 je la ye.hehehe. So I will click and click and click it everyday just to know about what's going on and what's new especially gossip that related to ARTIST such as Oh Bulan, Oh Artis and Oh Media etc :) Then I like to read online newspaper too. As a MASSCOMM student, it is important for us to know what's going on around the world everyday and the more easiest and fastest way to get the info is by reading the online news.

Last but not least, for institutional sites and commercial sites tu, bukannya tak pernah click, memang pernah tapi jarang sangat. Sometimes ade assignments or case study based on journals, baru la I search for journals. Tapi like i said, memang JARANG sangat. Bila perlu dan berkaitan sahaja.

That's all for this week. Tq..

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